
Our Wall of Love

Check out some fantastic stories using our products

Courtney Rowe

“The Woodleigh Hills Wilga Rub is next to none. It’s healing abilities on all levels are unbelievable. Have the flu? Rub it on your chest. Have a sore, rub it on it! literally use nothing else. I have it with me at all times. In my bag, by my bed and in the car. Can’t recommend it enough”

Annabel Porter

“Amazing natural products. that are gentle and soothing on your skin. Frequently use the Native Apricot rub for relieving eczema, couldn’t recommend it more.”

Wendy Adelaide

“I use the Wilga Pain Rub, the magic is real, it’s a miracle product.”

Sally Edawrds

“I had the pleasure of meeting and spending some time with Justine while traveling in SA and she introduced me to her Pain Rub that really is Magical.

What a fantastic product! I’ve been using it regularly on a lower back pain issue for a couple of months and love it.

It works and one thing I will also point out is this product is odorless, so no offensive eye watering smells if you need to apply generously.

As a Melbornian I’m ecstatic that I can order online and continue using it into the future.”

Philippa Malone

“I couldn’t be without my Wilga Pain Rub, it combines nature and healing to achieve amazing outcomes for my pain and wellbeing.”

Mardi Catford

“I am extremely fortunate to be great friends with the incredible lady behind these products.

When Justine introduced me to her first ever product I was suffering from severe shoulder pain. With one application, the instance relief was beyond my expectations or comprehension. Each product has so many benefits and uses, however my personal favorite and “go too” is the Wilga pain rub. It truly is magic.

I use it to alleviate muscle pain, particularly in my shoulder blades.

I have found that the Wilga balm is activated with heat, whether it be a warm bath, shower or heat bag the effectiveness is intensified.

More recently I have been using the balm as my daily face moisturizer. For anyone who tends to have dry skin, the Wilga rub is a game changer. My skin has never felt better. For added value, i also recommend using the balm to remove makeup, particularly eye makeup. the benefits of this product and all products in the Woodleigh Hills range are immeasurable.”

Milly Albers

“Woodleigh hills is magic, it seriously is!! We use the Wilga Pain Rub as a staple household item....It's more important than Panadol and Band aids! We love using it when we have headaches, body aches, asthma flare ups and even migrains. Definitely do your family a favour and try one of these amazing products today. What makes WH even more special is the founder and owner’s genuine passion and knowledge for the healing benefits from the all natural ingredients sourced right from the Woodleigh Hills farm”

Mel Walsh

“Absolutely love love love the pain relief cream, it is amazing, totally recommend to anyone with any long term ongoing pain issues, look forward to trying more of your products, I call it the miracle cream lol.”

Grahame Goods

“I have tried many creams and rubs with little success. Then I tried Wilga Pain Rub and it fixed my problem in a week. would recommend it to anyone.”

Danny Palmer

“I highly recommend Woodleigh Hills Rub, i have 3 level spinal fusion and chronic ongoing back pain. My pain is always there and this amazing rub really helps me get through my day. I would be lost without it.”